Property Listings
Renting in Honolulu
Rental Application
Landlord/Owner Rental Available Form
Tenant Finders Hawaii Rental Application
Everyone over 18 years old is required to complete a separate application. There is a $25 application fee, payable only if your application is accepted.
Indicates required field
Rental applying for
Offered monthly rent
Estimated move in date
Lease term (month to month, 6 months, 1 year, etc)
CO-SIGNERS ONLY: Please indicate who you are co-signing for. Tenant must complete their own application.
Full name (including middle initial)
Phone number
Date of birth
Number of smokers
Do you have pets? Is so, what kind/breed/size?
If you have a service or assistance animal, what service or assistance does it provide?
What kind of car or vehicle do you have?
Other occupants (with date of births)
Current address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
From (date)
Current monthly rent paid
Current landlord must be owner on file or property manager. Do not list friends, relatives, or roommates as current landlord (leave blank instead).
Current landlord
Current landlord's contact info (phone # & email)
Reason for leaving
Previous Rental History
Previous address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Previous monthly rent paid
Previous landlord must be owner on file or property manager. Do not list friends, relatives, or room mates as previous landlord (leave blank instead).
Previous landlord
Company name (if landlord is a property manager)
Previous landlord's contact info (phone # & email)
Reason for leaving previous rental
Other previous rentals (with address, date lived there, rent paid, landlord contact info)
Employer (name of company and contact person)
Phone Number
Occupation/job title
Length of employment
Current monthly or yearly salary (please indicate if monthly or yearly)
Employment letter (for applicants transferring to Honolulu or starting a new job)
Max file size: 20MB
Credit Score
You can get a credit score from one of the credit reporting websites. Please make sure your name is on the screen shot. It may not show your name if you use your phone or if you use Credit Karma, NerdWallet, WalletHub, etc. We suggest (from your PC, not your phone) a free one from Credit Wise (creditwise.capitalone.com) or Equifax (but Equifax has a $9.95 fee). If you have no credit score, please submit a screen shot of the page that says you do not have a credit score.
Please note: If you application is tentatively accepted, you may be asked to complete another application on Apartments.com or TransUnion for a quick background check.
Credit score:
Max file size: 20MB
Last 4 Weeks of Pay Statements
Please scan your pay statements (you can use Cam Scanner, Genius Scan, etc.) or take a readable photo of the statements from straight over the documents (not at an angle). If your pay statement has a year to date total, please scan the most recent (the last 4 weeks will not be necessary).
Pay statement
Max file size: 20MB
Pay statement
Max file size: 20MB
Pay statement
Max file size: 20MB
Pay statement
Max file size: 20MB
Additional Income
Bank Statement (Savings, Checking, etc)
Max file size: 20MB
Additional income
Max file size: 20MB
Additional income
Max file size: 20MB
Military Applicants Only
Military applicants only: please provide unit and unit phone number
Military applicants only: copy of your official orders
Max file size: 20MB
Agreement and Authorization
The Applicant consents to the collection, use and disclosure of the Applicant’s personal information by the Landlord and/or agent of the Landlord, from time to time, for the purpose of determining the creditworthiness of the Applicant for the leasing, selling or financing of the premises or the real property, or making such other use of the personal information as the Landlord and/or agent of the Landlord deems appropriate. By submitting this form with a copy of your ID, The Applicant represents that all statements made above are true and correct. The Applicant is hereby notified that a consumer report containing credit and/or personal information may be referred to in connection with this rental. The Applicant authorizes the verification of the information contained in this application and information obtained from personal references. This application is not a Rental or Lease Agreement. In the event that this application is not accepted, any deposit submitted by the Applicant shall be returned.
Copy of ID
Max file size: 20MB
Your application may take several days to process. If you don't hear back within 7 days, please assume that owner or landlord has accepted another application or your application has been declined.